Green Spirit - Autumn
Green Spirit - Autumn

Green Spirit - Autumn is the third of a series of four ink and Inktense pencil drawings representing the four seasons. This is a pointillism ink and Inktense pencil drawing on 200gm cartridge paper..
H: 42cm W: 29.7cm

Ref: MM/20/03

Date: 20/07/2020

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Ink and Inktense pencil drawing on paper £150
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Green Spirit - Autumn

Green Spirit - Autumn is the third of a series of four ink and Inktense pencil drawings representing the four seasons. This is a pointillism ink and Inktense pencil drawing on 200gm cartridge paper..
H: 42cm W: 29.7cm

Ref: MM/20/03

Date: 20/07/2020

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Ink and Inktense pencil drawing on paper £150
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